About Me

Who Am I?

Hi I'm Lucas Lyon I was born in São Paulo and when I was 18 years old I moved alone to Natal, where I did my undergraduation and started my computer engineering career. There I discovered a passion in Python, Artificial Intelligence and Data Science.

I am a good data scientist, that have a lot work to do all day long, and not just for work, It's my hooby too!

Data Science

Machine Learning

Data Base


Cups of tea
Read articles
My Specialty

My Skills

With some years on experience I got some skills and I keep working it!





Machine Learning










Data Mining











A Data Scientist combines statistical and machine learning techniques with Python programming to analyze and interpret complex data.
It is a course from DataCamp, where I studied at 2018.
Far far away, Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte Natal-RN . yes I moved to far far away, but there is beatiful and wonderful. I learned how to surf and the most important, how to be a programer.
<Far far away, Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte Natal-RN . This was my first course at UFRN, it is like a collage, where all Engineering do together.

Work Experience

Data Scientist at Quality 2019-Today

São Paulo - SP
Work with prediction, classification, clustering and data. Using checklists, answer of client, creating a lot of data, where I Combine statistical and machine learning techniques using Python to create insights.

Data Scientist at Kapputo 2019-Today

Belo Horizonte - MG
Work with prediction, classification and big data. Combine statistical and machine learning techniques using Python. MongoDB using pymongo.

Assessor of marketing 2018-2019

Junior enterprise ( INCLUDE Engenharia), Natal-RN —
Worked with marketing in a company, development network in a house, increment the WI-FI and studying the strategy of marketing.

Internship at Aeronautics Command 2018

Centro de Lançamento da Barreira do Inferno, Natal-RN —
Communication with beaglebone to VANT, communication with raspberry pi, development in Arduino, Implementation of a joystick for the airplanes and developed a software to interface with the pilot and the airplanes.

MIG - Makers Integration Grup 2016

In this group I started learning about Arduino and logical programmation, we made a piano with Arduino, we made a remote car and others projects to understand how the Arduino works!
My Work


Titanic Data science

A project to predict who is going to die in Titanic, and an analytics of data about the passengers, class, age, sex, number of family ion the ship.

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Bitcoin Analytics - Data science

This is a analytics of bitcoins and cryptocurrencies, the dataset is from Datacamp. You can see more about the project in Datacamp projects.

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Game of thrones - Data science

This is a notebook about an analytic about the books of game of thrones, who is the more important character in the book

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Taxi fare Data science

A project to predict how will be the price of a taxi race in New York. With the EDA and the machine learnig. In this case we have a lot of data, big data.

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E-commerce Analytics

An apresentation about the analytics of brazilian e-commerce, where we find the best way to sell on internet and the best product to improve.

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Vanessa Lungov's portfolio

A portfolio to a student of architecture.

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Recent Blog

HTML5 Bootstrap Template by colorlib.com
April, 2019 | Machine Learning | 4

Which machine learning model to choose for my problem? - Medium

An article to help people who are starting in data science and it is an article of consult to all data scientists.
HTML5 Bootstrap Template by colorlib.com
August, 2017 | Clustering | 4

Aplication of Scientific initiation

An algorithm based on formulation spaces as an alternative method for the Heterogeneous Clustering Problem.
Get in Touch


Avenida Celso Garcia, 3200 São Paulo SP Brazil